Tuesday, 13 March 2007

Contact: The Latest Piece of Shit For the DS.

How low can you go to promote a stale RPG? Contact's true innovation seems to be the publisher's idiotic use of the beloved Earthbound's style and character for its promotion, when in fact the lame European looking design of the game outnumbers the 'retro' characters by almost a hundred to one. Well, 7 to 1, see as there are a grand total of 8 characters in this rotten game and only one is 'retro'

Contact is lame. It is remarkably short on actual gameplay outside of relentless power leveling and cursor pointing, which seems to be inspired by LucasArt's point and click adventures, only instead of using the Rubber Chicken with the Pulley, you'll be clicking attack and waiting several minutes for either yourself or your enemy to keel over. If you haven't switched off already. The close thing to gameplay here is moving yourself away from enemies so they can hit you less frequently. If you are pining for the clumsy, hack and slash of Final Fantasy XII already, this is the game for you. Also recommended for gamers who bought Rage of Mages for the PC back in '97 and were too stupid to notice that it was blatently the worst RPG of all time.

As for the story, it feels like Metal Gear Solid 2 retold by an lobotimised sci-fi nerd with amnesia. The 'in jokes' are so bad, I dropped my DS through cringing. LOL WINDOWS XP IS TERRIBLE, LOL PLAYSTATION. It feels like a court jester entertaining an audience of vacant nerds who don't know anything outside of Youtube and IGN.com.

Overall 3.5. Stick with Tetris.

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